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Location: Near the deep south

I am just Diane, just a mom and a wife. I have 5 children that range in age from 18 down to 2. I am also feeling particularly crafty lately and have opened an etsy store. Please feel free to check it out.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A whole lot about me.

I HAD to steal this from a friend of mine- Courtney.  She is so stinking cute I could just slap her.  If you think about it...  could you send some "get an awesome job" vibes (prayers work here too) for her.  Thanks in advance.

I am… thinking about eating some ice cream even though it is nearly 11:30pm.

I think… I will get some so I can just quit thinking about it.

I should… get organized.

I dream… about going on another cruise with my honey.

I want… to learn to sew.

I know… that I need to lose a couple of pounds...  i'm still going to eat the ice cream.

I don’t like… whining.

I smell… good.

I hear… all of the funny things my kids say over and over in my mind.

I fear… heights and dying before my children are grown.

I usually… drink too much coffee.

In search… of my crafty side.

I miss… my boys.

I always… pray for them.

I regret… a lot.

I wonder... what the future holds.

I crave… brownies.

I remember… the births of each of my children like it just happened.

I need... a maid and a personal assistant.

I forget... to call people.

I feel… like going on vacation.

I can… go years without exercise.

I can’t… handle it when my children are injured.  I pray that I am never alone when there is a crisis.

I am happy… when my family is happy.

I lose… everything.  My mom used to say I would lose my head if it weren't attached to my body.

I sing… terribly but I still do it anyway.

I listen…  to Billy Joel.

I shop…  more than I need to.

I eat... because I can.

I love… my family.  I love my life.


Blogger Courtney said...

Aw thank you girl for putting those prayers out there for me. Talk about being too stinkin cute...I learn from you!!! Love you girl!

May 13, 2010 at 7:58 AM  
Blogger Just Diane said...

Anything for you. Hope you are able to get something soon. Love ya.

May 13, 2010 at 10:23 AM  

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